Wikipedia layer

The wikipedia layer is constructed by repeatedly calling Wikipedia's Geosearch API. The Geosearch API doesn't allow providing a polygon geometry; you can only provide a point and a radius. To work around this, I construct a minimal set of circles of max radius 10km that fully cover the trail with the provided buffer distance.

The result of wikipedia-for-trail is a GeoJSON file where the geometries are Points, and where the properties have the desired attributes from the -a flag.

mkdir -p tmp
# Entry point
python code/ export wikipedia \
    `# select the PCT; at this point the only valid option ` \
    --trail-code pct \
    `# provide buffer distance in miles` \
    --buffer 2 \
    `# Selected attributes` \
    -a best_image -a summary -a title -a url > tmp/wikipedia.geojson

Compress this GeoJSON with brotli compression.

brotli -c tmp/wikipedia.geojson > tmp/wikipedia_compressed.geojson

Then upload this to S3

aws s3 cp \
    tmp/wikipedia_compressed.geojson s3:// \
    --content-type application/geo+json \
    --content-encoding br \
    `# Set to public read access` \
    --acl public-read \
    `# two hour cache; one day swr` \
    --cache-control "public, max-age=7200, stale-while-revalidate=86400"