
Uploading newer versions of tiles near the PCT to AWS

Since I'm trying to have an app for the PCT specifically, I care about having updated OpenStreetMap data near the PCT, but further away from the trail and from trail towns is not as important. It's simple to update tiles for any arbitrary Geofabrik extract region, aka easy to update for the state of Washington, as I can just run OpenMapTiles for that region. The drawback of that, however, is that map tiles as a directory are thousands and thousands of very tiny files, so the PUT requests to AWS S3 actually add up.

For example, for zooms 0-14, the state of Oregon makes up 191306 tiles. Since it's $0.005 per 1000 put requests, it's just shy of $1 each time I update the tiles. I calculated that if I were to upload tiles for the entire continental US, it would likely be just shy of $100 for each set of PUT requests.

The following instructions show how to update tiles for just a given buffer around the PCT, which is on the order of $0.07 for each upload for each fifth of the trail.

  1. Create new tiles from e.g. the OpenMapTiles repository.
  2. Export the .mbtiles file to a directory of tiles:

    mb-util tiles.mbtiles tiles --image_format=pbf
  3. Get tiles for a section of the PCT, e.g.

    • -t: trail code
    • -s: trail section (optional)
    • -z: min zoom
    • -Z: max zoom
    • -b: buffer distance in miles around trail
    python code/main.py tiles tiles-for-trail \
        -t pct \
        -s ca_south \
        -z 0 \
        -Z 14 \
        -b 15 > tiles_ca_south.txt
  4. Loop over those tiles and copy them to a new directory

    It's really slow to run aws s3 cp a new time for each file, and much much faster to run aws s3 cp --recursive on a directory, so the best approach is to copy the desired tiles into a new directory, then aws s3 cp that directory to AWS.

    Remove the [, ,, and ] characters, and reorder x,y,z to z,x,y:

    # Make sure to update .pbf to .png if you're working with non-vector tiles
    tiles=$(cat $fname | \
        tr -d '[,]' | \
        awk '{print $3 "/" $1 "/" $2 ".pbf"}')


    > echo $tiles

    Then copy the tiles that exist into a new directory (note, you could probably make this faster by skipping the if $tile check, since cp will just print an error but not stop the loop. However, this might create empty directories if $tile doesn't actually exist.):

    echo $tiles | while read tile; do
        if [ -f $tile ]; then
            echo "$tile";
            mkdir -p $new_dir/$(dirname $tile)
            cp $tile $new_dir/$tile
  5. Upload to S3

    Apply one-week caching plus one-year stale while revalidate.

    aws s3 cp \
        $new_dir s3://tiles.nst.guide/openmaptiles/ \
        --recursive \
        --content-type application/x-protobuf \
        --content-encoding gzip \
        `# Set to public read access` \
        --acl public-read \
        --cache-control "public, max-age=604800, stale-while-revalidate=31536000"