National Parks layer


  • description: NPS description of park. A couple sentences
  • directionsInfo: NPS directions to park.
  • directionsUrl: URL to NPS website for more info on directions
  • fullName: full name of park, i.e. "Devils Postpile National Monument"
  • length: length in meters of PCT in park
  • url: URL to NPS webpage for park
  • weatherInfo: NPS weather info
# Make temp directory
mkdir -p tmp
# Generate national park polygons
python code/ export national-parks \
    `# trail code, i.e. 'pct'` \
    -t pct > tmp/nationalparks.geojson
# Generate national park labels
python code/ geom polylabel \
    `# include only the name attribute` \
    -y fullName \
    `# only keep labels for polygons that are >=30% of MultiPolygon area` \
    --rank-filter 0.2 \
    tmp/nationalparks.geojson > tmp/nationalparks_label.geojson

Run tippecanoe on the GeoJSON to create vector tiles

rm -rf tmp/nationalparks_tiles
tippecanoe \
    `# Guess appropriate max zoom` \
    -zg \
    `# Export tiles to directory` \
    -e tmp/nationalparks_tiles \
    `# Input geojson` \
    -L'{"file":"tmp/nationalparks.geojson", "layer":"nationalparks"}' \
    -L'{"file":"tmp/nationalparks_label.geojson", "layer":"nationalparks_label"}'

Convert the exported metadata.json to a JSON file conforming to the Tile JSON spec

python code/ util metadata-json-to-tile-json \
    `# Set tileset name` \
    --name 'National Parks' \
    `# Set attribution string` \
    --attribution '<a href="" target="_blank">© NPS</a>' \
    `# tile url paths` \
    --url '{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf' \
    `# Output file path` \
    -o tmp/nationalparks.json \
    `# input JSON file` \
# Remove the unneeded `metadata.json`
rm tmp/nationalparks_tiles/metadata.json

Remove existing vector tiles

aws s3 rm \
    --recursive \

Add new vector tiles

aws s3 cp \
    tmp/nationalparks_tiles s3:// \
    --recursive \
    --content-type application/x-protobuf \
    --content-encoding gzip \
    `# Set to public read access` \
    --acl public-read \
    `# two hour cache; one day swr` \
    --cache-control "public, max-age=7200, stale-while-revalidate=86400"
aws s3 cp \
    tmp/nationalparks.json s3:// \
    `# Set to public read access` \
    --acl public-read \
    --content-type application/json